Saturday, September 10, 2011


Today I would like to introduce you to my dad and his dog Buddy.  They both came to live with us on July 4th, 2010.  They were supposed to be just coming up to stay until my dads new apartment was ready that was closer to my sister and his Dr.'s in Temple.  Once he was here we quickly realised that he really shouldn't be on his own anymore.  Dad has COPD and congestive heart failure.  He is on oxygen 24 hours a day and has to use a nebulizer every 4 hours along with quit a bit of other medication in order to breath.  He was a smoker from his youth.  The crazy thing is he says he would smoke a 4 ft cigarette if he was able to.  But honestly I think he regrets not listening to the Dr.'s years ago.

Buddy and Ronnie my dad

Dad wasn't doing very well when this picture was taken.  His congestive heart failure was really giving him fits. Fortunately we were able to get him into his Dr. quickly and we upped one of his meds and he is looking better today.

Dad isn't able to do much so I bought a few Nerf guns.  We have had a ball with them.

As you can see he has a ball with those crazy guns.  I have been sitting in the living room with him watching TV and he has snuck one of those out and shot at me scaring me to death.  He just laughs.   The brat!  As you can see dad doesn't want anyone messing with his things so his area tends to be a mess.  But as long as he is happy and can find what he is looking for it's OK with me.

If you have anyone that is confined to one area I would suggest getting a Nerf gun.  They are a lot of fun.

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