I can't believe it is already Thursday. This week has flown by. I know this is a little late in coming but Friday nights story is to funny to not tell you. Of course it might be one of those had to be there things. Let me know what you think.
Blake came in last Friday. When he got here I showed him this really scary clown and told him that I was going to scare him with it later. He was freaking out with it just in the room. It was great. So I take the clown out to the garage. (my husband will not let me keep it in the house) We go out to eat and run some errands. We get home and before we can go in our room I had to get my dad some things. So, the guys came into our room so we could watch some shows together before we go to bed. So I sneak into the garage and hang the clown up in his bedroom door way. I go back to our room like nothing ever happened. It was great because normally I crack up and give it all away. 2 hours go by and Blake is going to go to bed because we have to be up early Saturday morning. I get up before he does and get dad some ice and get my phone set it to video. I hear Blake walking to his room so I high tail it around the corner and was headed to Blake's room when I hear him running around the corner yelling WTF! I busted out laughing. It was too dark to actually get anything on video or I would show you. It only recorded the sound of running feet and what Blake said and me busting out laughing. I think it to funny that an almost 20 year old would be freaking out over a clown. Although it is a little evil looking.
Here is just the head of the clown.
Saturday we were on the road by 6:45 AM to go watch Trisha's boys play football again. We got to see Ty and Alison as well. Ty is Trisha's brother. After we watched the games we went out to lunch. We had to get back because Blake was heading to a tail gate party at Ranger stadium for the World Series. When we got home my niece and her boyfriend were pulling up. They stayed and visited for a while and we took them to dinner. We were exhausted. After the Ranger game we went on to bed. It had been a very long day.
Sunday we just relaxed. I was very thankful we didn't have anything going on.
What do you have planned for this coming weekend? Anything exciting? I don't think we have anything going on other than catching up on getting our house organized. Hopefully I will be fully recovered before the weekend is over. I'm ready to have this curd over with.
Have a great Thursday!
1 comment:
Oh, that clown IS scary! Is that Pennywise from It? That would be my first thought. I understand about not keeping it in the house but your husband should know after watching AHS that those items find their way back in if they really want to... ;.)
Tomorrow we are taking our brood to a haunted forest my friends put on and I am sure there will be some frights - they added a zombie baby this year!
Saturday we are headed to the National Weather Festival for a bit and then hopefully some baking and catching up on chores. Sunday it's soccer and hopefully time to recoup for the week...
Trick or Treating is Monday for my town so we'll have some candy to pilfer through when the kids go to sleep... ;.)
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