Friday, October 14, 2011

Favorite Authors and books

Do you enjoy reading?  If so who is your favorite author? Do you have more than one author you enjoy reading? If so who?

My favorite author is Nora Roberts. The reason Nora is my favorite author is because when I pick up one of her books I never know what I'm going to get inside. She writes romances, books with magic in them, historical you name it. Unlike Daniel Steel.  You know if you pick up one of Daniels books it will most likely be about abuse of some kind.  And that is OK.  I like her as well.  I just don't want to be depressed all of the time.  One of the other things I really like about Nora Robers is she finishes out each character so she has quite a few trilogies. I love getting to know all of the characters in a book.  It thrills me that she gives you a peak at a person that was a main character in the previous book in the book you are currently reading.  I like that you learn how the person progressed.  I don't recall a book written by her that I have not thoroughly enjoyed.  Nora Roberts also writes a mystery series under J.D. Robb.  It is set in the future.  If you can get around the futuristic stuff the story line is great. She is one of the few mystery writers that I can not figure out who the murderer was before I finish the book.  If you click on Nora Roberts name it will take you to her website.

My next favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. Nicholas does not write the run of the mill romance novels.  His books seem to be more realistic and true to life.  Most of his books to not end in happily ever after.  I think I have read all but maybe three of his books. A Walk to Remember I read in one night.  I enjoy his books more than the movies.  But the movies are good as well.   If you click on Nicholas Sparks name it will take you to his website.

My third favorite author is Janet Evanovich. Janet's Stephanie Plumb series is wonderful.  I have laughed out loud while reading this series.  If you have not read her books you might want to start.  I think she is on books 16 or 17.  I've lost count.  I do need to caution you.  If you do not care for bad language then you might not care for this series.  If you click on Janet Evanovich's name it will take you to her website.

My five favorite books are:

1) A Walk to Remember - Nicholas Sparks
2) The Note Book - Nicholas Sparks
3) The Wedding - Nicholas Sparks
4) Stephanie Plumb Series - Janet Evanovich
5) Any book written by Nora Roberts/JD Robb

Don't get me wrong I will read just about any book.  I'm always looking for a good author to read.  If you have any suggestion on books I should read or authors I should look into please let me know in the comments below.
I hope you have a Happy Friday and a wonderful and safe weekend.


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