Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Red Neck Night at Carl Albert State College Basketball Game

It was hick night for the Viking fans a few weeks ago. Boy did these kids go all out!  Connor Gilstrap is on the baseball team with Blake and allow me to post his pictures. Thank you Connor! The guys on the baseball team are crazy as you can see. Blake is on the left hand side standing next to the kid in the green t-shirt and blue hat that is on backwards and a kid in a tan unbuttoned shirt with no sleeves and a tan cap.  Fourth over from the guy with the bright orange vest on.

Picture by: Connor Gilstrap

Picture by: Connor Gilstrap

When I looked at these photo's I laughed to myself and went on.  When I spoke to Blake about it he said, I thought you could put them up on your blog.  I thought that was sweet.  Looks like he is enjoying his time at Chuck State. That's what the kids call it.  I have no idea why.

I thought we could use some levity after yesterdays heart breaking news about our friends home.  I hope this at least brought a smile to your face.

Have a great Wednesday!


Nolita said...

Cute pics. Maybe they should make a calendar?

Bless with a Boy said...

This had me literally LOL.

I'm scared to suggest it. With this group it might just happen.

Of course it would be a great way to raise money for the baseball team.