Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Computer Gremlins

Somehow my laptop has gotten a gremlin.  I am able to turn it on.  Sometimes it comes up with you didn't shut your computer down properly blah blah blah.  Other times it does it's normal boot up and allows me to log in but once I get into the main system I try to click on any icon and it locks up.

I have an Acer Aspire3810T.  Does anyone else have this laptop?  If so do you have the same issues?

I honestly can't complain.  I got the laptop for free. I won it a few years ago from Want Not.  It has been perfect for me because it is so light weight.  When my back is out I can just prop that little thing up and still surf the Internet.

We have our old computer and another laptop that Blake used for his first year in college.   It's still brand new because he only used it for a computer class he was taking.  He uses hi Mac laptop he got from a family Friend for graduation. 

I've been using the other laptop but it's big and bulky.  I love the huge monitor but, I miss my light weight laptop.  I should honestly be smacked.  We are blessed to basically have 2 laptops and a computer in our home.  Not to mention 3 laptops and a computer when Blake is home.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm very thankful and KNOW we have been blessed beyond measure. I'm just spoiled to the Acer.  It doesn't hurt me when I use it.

On a positive note, Blake will be coming home this weekend.  I'm not sure if we will see him Friday night or Saturday because of my company Christmas party.  He will be home for a month!  Oh, I'm sure he will find something to do with friends. But, I also know he will spend time with us. I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with my boy. (Bummer just found out he will not be in until the 16th)

I hope you are having a fantastic Wednesday. We are almost there, so hang in there.


PS:  I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Katie and Cullen for featuring our little bit of Christmas on wither Youtube channel on Monday.  If you like Youtube and enjoy fun, outgoing, kind people you will really enjoy their youtube site .  You can click on any of the highlighted areas in this section and it will take you to their channel.  Thanks again Katie and Cullen!

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