Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The entryway before and after

Slowly but surely our home is coming back together. For years we have been busy going from work to ball games and life.  Now that Blake is off to college and dad has passed away it has left us with time on our hands.  Time we are not used to having. It's kind of nice but strange. The up side is it has given us an opportunity to start setting goals and achieving them.

Here are a few different angels of the before shots. Let me apologies in advance for the pictures.  I couldn't get a very good angel on any of the shots due to the hall being small.

The entry way wall started out with the large middle collage and the two smaller collages on either side.  As the years have gone on more photo's have been added and removed and it turned into a huge mess.
The pictures of the after shots aren't very good either.  It's hard to get the entire wall in one shot. I even tried to get a better shot but it didn't really work.

Let me know what you think.  Do you like the H at the top or do you think I should take it down?

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.


1 comment:

Nols said...

I like the H and the pictures look great!