Friday, July 31, 2015

Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids

Before we get started please note I am not part of either organization nor do I know anyone that works at either organization.  What I state here is my opinion or information I got directly off their website.  Thank you.

Let me say right off that I believe that Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids are awesome for being willing to help out children at a time in their life that might have them struggling in more than one area.

When I was getting my hair cut to donate I mentioned to my aunt that I would be donating my hair to Locks of Love.  Debby told me that she no longer has them up on her website because she heard that Locks of Love charges kids for the wigs instead of giving them away.  I was surprised and told her that I would do research on both Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids before I made a final decision as to where I would donate my hair.

I chose to go with Locks of Love because I have gray hair.  I did not know at the time I started growing out my hair that they would sell of the hair with gray in it.  But that is my fault for not researching enough before I stareted all of this.  Besides, it is still helping out.

I am only putting what the hair requirements are because there is just way to much information.  In the long run this is the basic information you will need to know.  If you would like to know more about either company click on the firm name and it will take you to the website.  I also included the web address for each firm.

Remember, no matter what place you donate to, you are doing a wonderful thing.

This is what I found out.  When I went to the  Locks of Love web site (Note: you can click on the name of either place and it will pull up the site for you).

Donate Hair
Anyone can donate as long as the guidelines listed below are followed. We encourage all of our donors to go to a salon they are already familiar with to ensure their comfort when donating.
Guidelines For Acceptable Donations
  • Hair that is colored or permed is acceptable.
  • Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid.
  • Hair that has been bleached (usually this refers to highlighted hair) is not usable. If unsure, ask your stylist. We are not able to accept bleached hair due to a chemical reaction that occurs during the manufacturing process. **If the hair was bleached years ago and has completely grown out it is fine to donate.
  • Hair that is swept off of the floor is not usable because it is not bundled in a ponytail or braid.
  • Hair that is shaved off and not in a ponytail or braid is not usable. If shaving your head, first divide hair into multiple ponytails to cut off.
  • We cannot accept dreadlocks. Our manufacturer is not able to use them in our children’s hairpieces. We also cannot accept wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair.
  • Layered hair is acceptable if the longest layer is 10 inches.
  • Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails.
  • Curly hair may be pulled straight to measure the minimum 10 inches.
  • 10 inches measured tip to tip is the minimum length needed for a hairpiece.
Please Note
  • Shorter hair will be separated from the ponytails and sold to offset the manufacturing costs. Although the shorter hair cannot be used in the hairpieces, it still greatly helps to reduce costs.
  • Gray hair will be accepted and sold to offset the manufacturing costs.
  • Colored hair is not usable if it is colored over bleached hair.
  • Because Locks of Love creates custom hairpieces for each child, we are unable to accept donations of wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair.
  • The Hair Donation Form is not required to donate hair. If you are having trouble downloading or printing the Hair Donation Form, just provide your name and address on a full size separate sheet of paper and include it in the envelope with your donation so that we may send you an acknowledgment.
I decided to stick with Locks of Love because they would still be able to use my hair.  I have grey hair.  And Wigs for Kids would not take it.  according to their list.  Locks of Love does have allowances for a lot more hair than Wigs for Kids.   That is fine.  There is nothing wrong with setting guidelines.

This is what I found out.  When I went to the Wigs for Kids web site
(Note: you can click on the name of either place and it will pull up the site for you).

Hair Donation Requirements

Wondering how to donate your hair? Hair donation length must be a minimum of 12 inches to ensure that we can provide prosthetics for children who wish for long hair. It takes twenty to thirty ponytails or braids to create one Hair Replacement. We cannot accept hair that has been chemically processed -- perms, color treated or highlights. Natural color or highlights that wash out are acceptable. Hair that has been chemically processed will not withstand the chemical processing to sanitize the hair. We no longer accept gray hair. Hair that is donated must be clean and dry before mailing. Your hair can be cut at a local salon or for a listing of salons click here. Contact the salon to check whether they offer discounted or free services and for hair donation requirements.
Before you make your hair donation, keep this quick list of requirements in mind:
  • Hair must be a minimum of 12 inches
  • Hair cannot be chemically processed or colored
  • Natural color or highlights that wash out are accepted
  • We do not accept gray hair
  • Hair must be completely dry before mailing
  • Please send hair that is clean

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Vlogbrothers, DFTBA and Locks of Love

The Vlogbrothers AKA DFTBA are very well known on YouTube.  The Vlogbrothers are just that, brothers.  Their names are John and Hank Green.  John is the oldest of the two.   Not only do they have multiple YouTube channels they are both very talented in their own right.

For instance, John Green is a New York Times bestselling author.  John typically writes books for teens.  John wrote The Fault in Our Stars which was adapted into a movie.  John also wrote Paper Towns which is also turned into a movie.  Paper Towns was release this past weekend.  I am looking forward to seeing that movie.  These are just two of a number of books John Green has written.  The Fault in Our Stars is by far my favorite book that Mr. Green has ever written.  It is the only book that I have ever read and immediately opened it up and started reading again.  As a matter of fact, I wated to read the book again. But could not because I let someone borrow my copy of The Fault in Our Stars.  So I purchased it electronically.

Hank Green is a musician, song writer and Singer.   He has put out a number of CD's.  I have listened to Hanks music on YouTube but, I have never purchased any of his work yet. Sorry Hank! Another thing that Hank is very well known for is inventing VIDCON.  This past weekend was the 6th annual VIDCON. This is a conference for YouTubers to be able to get together and meet each other creators as well as collaborate.  It gives the smaller YouTube channels an opportunity to be found by some of the larger YouTuber's that migh give them a shout out on their channel and get them some viewers from some of their fans. It also gives them an opportuinity to meet other smaller YouTubers who can support one another. This convention also gives fans an opportunity to meet their favorite YouTuber/vloggers that they have followed for days, weeks, months or years. Vidcon has grown like wild fire. This year was the crazyiest out of all of them.   Everyone involved works their tails off.

Once a year  in Autom The Vlogbrothers host something they call  Project For Awesome.  This is when they challenge not only their viewer but, other YouTubers and their viewers to do something awesome for other people.  One of the project for awesome was to raise money for  That is only one of many that is done each year.  It is increadable to watch so many people come together with wanderful ideas of helping others.

For years I have been wanting to do something to contribute to Project for Awesome.  So in November of 2011 I decided I was going to grow my hair out for Locks of Love.  We have had a number of family members pass away from cancer.  It is very hard to watch someone you love go through that, much less a child.  So I wanted to help in some small way.

This picture was from Oct 25, 2011.
We watched Davis the young man on the left and
his older brother Derrick play flag football.  
This was just after one of the games.

As you can see from the above photo my hair was quite short.  I knew going into this it was going to be a long term goal.   

It had  been  almost a year since I made the desision to grow my hair out for Locks of Love.  So that means it was at least a year since the last time I had my hair cut.   I decided to go to one of the very in expensive hair cutting facilities where people just getting out of training end up getting hired.   I thought, oh this is just a trim. I do not need to spend a lot when I am only getting a trim. All I wanted was to have the dead ends trimmed off and try to keep it healthy until I was ready to do the final cut.

The lady that cut my hair said we were finished.  She went on to say we will be able to cut off the last bit of layer by your next hair cut.  I asked her how much would need to be cut off if we cut it off now.  She said 2 inches.  I asked her where it would hit after she cut the final layer off.   She showed me on my back.  I told her to go ahead.  

I was thinking with the "trim" and the additional 2 inches of layer I agreed to have cut off it would be a total of 3 inches cut off.  I didn't really look  at my hair after the 2nd time she cut it.  I was ready to get home.  When I got in my car and realized I was no longer sitting back against  my hair was my first indication something wasn't quite right with this cut.  When I got home I had my husband measure where the length was and where it was now and come to find out she cut  at least 5 to 7 inches off.  I about passed out. I could not believe that much had been cut off.  I was in shock.  Then I decided that it was alright.  It is just hair.  Besides, I would have had to cut the layered part out eventually.  It was a good thing to go ahead and do it then.

It has taken me almost 4 years to grow my hair out long enough to cut it.

This picture I took after I went to Keystone Church in Keller, TX
They gave me this T-shirt.  I loved the service and the church.

I am not sure if this picture really shows how long my hair really was.  It was a few inches past the bottom strap of my bra.  I was very ready to get my hair cut off.

I really wanted my Aunt Debby to be part of this.  She has a hair salon in Copperas Cove.  We were going to be down in that area for a family reunion so I called her to set up an appoint ment for July 3, 2015.

We were able to cut 12" off. 

This is my Aunt Debby and I at her Hair Salon.
Classy Cuts & Styles
2127 E U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, Texas 76522
Call: 254-518-4665 for an appointment

I was doing great after my aunt cut my hair.  She is laughing so hard because she wanted the little wisps of hair in front of my ears and I wanted them behind.  The picture before this one I was making a face like you are driving me crazy!  Kind of like a teen age girl with her mother. haha I have to admit that I cried  as we left the salon and the realization that my hair was short hit me. I basically ended where I started from. (see two pics above) I didn't sob or cry a ton but, there were tears.  It wasn't because I didn't like the cut.  It was because it was such a shock to have such long hair to such short hair.  The only direction I gave my aunt was, I want it easy to manage. That is all I told my Aunt. Aunt Debby did a fantastic job.  It is far easier to style my hair now.  I hope in the shower, get out and blow dry the bangs and a little bit of top and maybe put a curl or two in.  It just depends on the day.  I LOVE IT!

This is a picture of my husband Michael and I 
before we head out for a night on the town.
NOTE:  This was AFTER I had worked all day.

This picture doesn't do the hair style justice.  I have gotten a ton of compliments.  Many saying I look younger.  After I color my hair I think I will look much younger. Maybe I can get that accomplished in the next week or two. Who knows! It obvioulsy doesn't bother me THAT much to have a ton of gray hair. haha

I told my Aunt that I was going to send my hair into Locks of  Love but, she heard that they charge for the wigs and that Wigs for kids does not charge.  I will fill you in what I found out in another post.

I was so excited when I sent my hair off.  I can't wait until Project for Awesome comes up this year so that I can let John and Hank know after years of wanting to contribute, I was finally able to donate my hair.

I feel very silly that they sent me a certificate of appreciation.  I asked that they email me letting me know my hair made it.  I really wanted to know that the 12" of hair that took almost 4 years of growth made it to the right place.   It is very kind of them to send out certificates..

I would encourage everyone to try to help out where you can.  It not only help someone who needs it but, it makes you feel good as well.

I hope  you have a Blessed day!
