Before we get started please note I am not part of either organization nor do I know anyone that works at either organization. What I state here is my opinion or information I got directly off their website. Thank you.
Let me say right off that I believe that Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids are awesome for being willing to help out children at a time in their life that might have them struggling in more than one area.
When I was getting my hair cut to donate I mentioned to my aunt that I would be donating my hair to Locks of Love. Debby told me that she no longer has them up on her website because she heard that Locks of Love charges kids for the wigs instead of giving them away. I was surprised and told her that I would do research on both Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids before I made a final decision as to where I would donate my hair.
I chose to go with Locks of Love because I have gray hair. I did not know at the time I started growing out my hair that they would sell of the hair with gray in it. But that is my fault for not researching enough before I stareted all of this. Besides, it is still helping out.
I am only putting what the hair requirements are because there is just way to much information. In the long run this is the basic information you will need to know. If you would like to know more about either company click on the firm name and it will take you to the website. I also included the web address for each firm.
Remember, no matter what place you donate to, you are doing a wonderful thing.
This is what I found out. When I went to the Locks of Love web site (Note: you can click on the name of either place and it will pull up the site for you).
Donate Hair
Anyone can donate as long as the guidelines listed below are followed. We encourage all of our donors to go to a salon they are already familiar with to ensure their comfort when donating.
Guidelines For Acceptable Donations
- Hair that is colored or permed is acceptable.
- Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid.
- Hair that has been bleached (usually this refers to highlighted hair) is not usable. If unsure, ask your stylist. We are not able to accept bleached hair due to a chemical reaction that occurs during the manufacturing process. **If the hair was bleached years ago and has completely grown out it is fine to donate.
- Hair that is swept off of the floor is not usable because it is not bundled in a ponytail or braid.
- Hair that is shaved off and not in a ponytail or braid is not usable. If shaving your head, first divide hair into multiple ponytails to cut off.
- We cannot accept dreadlocks. Our manufacturer is not able to use them in our children’s hairpieces. We also cannot accept wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair.
- Layered hair is acceptable if the longest layer is 10 inches.
- Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails.
- Curly hair may be pulled straight to measure the minimum 10 inches.
- 10 inches measured tip to tip is the minimum length needed for a hairpiece.
Please Note
- Shorter hair will be separated from the ponytails and sold to offset the manufacturing costs. Although the shorter hair cannot be used in the hairpieces, it still greatly helps to reduce costs.
- Gray hair will be accepted and sold to offset the manufacturing costs.
- Colored hair is not usable if it is colored over bleached hair.
- Because Locks of Love creates custom hairpieces for each child, we are unable to accept donations of wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair.
- The Hair Donation Form is not required to donate hair. If you are having trouble downloading or printing the Hair Donation Form, just provide your name and address on a full size separate sheet of paper and include it in the envelope with your donation so that we may send you an acknowledgment.
I decided to stick with Locks of Love because they would still be able to use my hair. I have grey hair. And Wigs for Kids would not take it. according to their list. Locks of Love does have allowances for a lot more hair than Wigs for Kids. That is fine. There is nothing wrong with setting guidelines.
(Note: you can click on the name of either place and it will pull up the site for you).
Hair Donation Requirements
Wondering how to donate your hair? Hair donation length must be a minimum of 12 inches to ensure that we can provide prosthetics for children who wish for long hair. It takes twenty to thirty ponytails or braids to create one Hair Replacement. We cannot accept hair that has been chemically processed -- perms, color treated or highlights. Natural color or highlights that wash out are acceptable. Hair that has been chemically processed will not withstand the chemical processing to sanitize the hair. We no longer accept gray hair. Hair that is donated must be clean and dry before mailing. Your hair can be cut at a local salon or for a listing of salons click here. Contact the salon to check whether they offer discounted or free services and for hair donation requirements.
Before you make your hair donation, keep this quick list of requirements in mind:
- Hair must be a minimum of 12 inches
- Hair cannot be chemically processed or colored
- Natural color or highlights that wash out are accepted
- We do not accept gray hair
- Hair must be completely dry before mailing
- Please send hair that is clean