Wednesday, April 5, 2017

SparkPeople to the rescue!

I stepped on the scale in March 2017 and was shocked to see the scale had risen so high.  How could I be 242 pounds.  So I went to look for an app that would help me track my food intake.  My husband and son told me an app to use but I ended up down loading SparkPeople.  The App ended up being so good, my son down loaded the app as well. My son Blake has a degree in Health Promotion so he is the one I defer to for any health questions I have. When Blake got on board with SparkPeople I knew I was on the right track. I have lost 11 pounds so far. I have 64 pounds to lose by November 19th when our first cruise sets sail. If I am able to lose the remaining 64 pounds before the cruise it will only get me down to 175. I am going to try and stick to tracking my food and making healthier choices but, I know there are going to be days where I go over my calorie range.  I am not going to beat myself up about it.  It is a weak to relax and enjoy life and my family.  When we get back I will worry about losing the last 30 to 40 pounds. The cruise gave me the spark I needed to want to get back on a healthier eat life style and lose all of this extra baggage I have been carrying around.

What sparked you to start losing weight?  I hope we can encourage one another as the days go by on this journey to a healthier, happier life.

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